
Angela Ndalianis, University of Melbourne, AU


An­gela Ndalia­nis is As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor in Screen Stud­ies at Mel­bourne Uni­ver­sity (AU). Her re­search fo­cuses on con­tem­po­rary en­ter­tain­ment cul­ture, media his­to­ries and the trans­me­dia col­li­sions of films, com­puter games, tele­vi­sion, comic books and theme parks. Her pub­li­ca­tions in­clude Neo-Baroque Aes­thet­ics and Con­tem­po­rary En­ter­tain­ment (2004), The Con­tem­po­rary Comic Book Su­per­hero (ed­i­tor, 2009), Sci­ence Fic­tion Ex­pe­ri­ences (2011) and The Hor­ror Media Sen­so­rium (Mc­Far­land. In press, 2011). She is cur­rently com­plet­ing the book Spec­topo­lis: Theme Park Cul­tures, which looks at the his­tor­i­cal and cul­tural in­flu­ence of the theme park.