Anne Bal­samo

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Prof. Anne Bal­samo’s work fo­cuses on the re­la­tion­ship be­tween the cul­ture and tech­nol­ogy.  This focus in­forms her prac­tice as a scholar, re­searcher, new media de­signer, and en­tre­pre­neur.  She is cur­rently a Full Pro­fes­sor of In­ter­ac­tive Media in the School of Cin­e­matic Arts, and of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions in the An­nen­berg School of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions.  Her first book, Tech­nolo­gies of the Gen­dered Body: Read­ing Cy­borg Women (Duke UP, 1996) in­ves­ti­gated the so­cial and cul­tural im­pli­ca­tions of emer­gent bio-tech­nolo­gies.  Her most re­cent book De­sign­ing Cul­ture: The Tech­no­log­i­cal Imag­i­na­tion at Work (Duke UP, 2011) ex­am­ines the re­la­tion­ship be­tween de­sign­ing praxis, cul­tural re­pro­duc­tion and the tech­no­log­i­cal imag­i­na­tion.

Last Known Location:

Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Previous Location(s):

Los Angeles, California, US


Presentation Moderator:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: