Basak Di­lara Ozdemir

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Basak Di­lara Ozdemir, pi­anist-com­poser started to study piano at the age of seven at Is­tan­bul Uni­ver­sity State Con­ser­va­tory; af­ter­wards she got her diploma and mas­ter’s de­gree in Bu­dapest at Liszt Fer­enc Music Acad­emy. She also stud­ied at the Paris Con­ser­va­tory and did a year long com­po­si­tion- elec­tronic music course at IRCAM in Paris. Cur­rently, she is pur­su­ing her PhD and work­ing as a lec­turer at the music acad­emy in Is­tan­bul.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: