Bernardo Piñero
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Bernardo Piñero (Buenos Aires, Argentina,1982). Professor,researcher and Inter media artist. Cultural agent, producer and entrepreneur in the fields of Art, culture, new technologies and education. He has exhibited his works, conducted workshops, presentations and organized encounters in public and private spaces in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Australia and Canada. BA in Electronic Arts from the Tres de Febrero National University. Masters Degree in Technology and Electronic Arts Aesthetic from the same university. Grant holder of “Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program” (ELAP) en Montreal, Canada. (2012-2013). Founder in 2006 of the Argentinean art collective “IQLab” (Multimedia Interactive Art), and in 2015 “Surófona” (Experimental Radio of Electronic Arts). In 2018 is the founder of “Nave Ágora” (Lab-space for Community and Citizen Innovation). Since 2016 is a researcher professor in the AbRiGoUNTREF programme (creation, production and research in Tecnology of textile art). Former coordinator of CEIArtEUNTREF (2006-2016).
Bernardo Piñero, Claudia González, Gerardo Della Vecchia, Raúl Minsburg & Hamilton Mestizo, Argentina – Chile – Colombia
Last Known Location:
Art Events:
Title: Penumbra in Faint Light: Contemporary Art and Technology in Latin America Panel Introduction
| Type(s):
Title: Remote Actions/Collective, Divergence and Confluence: Art in Latin America