Bernhard Garnicnig

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Bern­hard Gar­nic­nig is an artist and cu­ra­tor based in New­cas­tle and Vi­enna. In 2011 he grad­u­ated with an M.A. in Dig­i­tal Arts from the Uni­ver­sity for Ap­plied Arts Vi­enna. He has been re­search­ing the re­la­tion­ship be­tween sound and its spa­tial con­text from dif­fer­ent as­pects. In Crav­ing (with Got­tfried Haider) they de­vel­oped a GPS based bin­au­ral sound sim­u­la­tion en­gine for urban spa­tial sound nar­ra­tives in 2006. After that he started play­ing and or­gan­is­ing elec­troa­coustic im­prov con­certs at c17 Vi­enna, an art space he co-founded with Albért Bernàrd. After that he fo­cussed on sonic ac­tion in the field of browser and net­work based art, started to com­mis­sion browser based Sound­wwwalk per­for­mances with WORM/vi­enna and re­leased “Three Re­cur­ring Ir­reg­u­lar­i­ties”, a web­site thats part feed­back in­stru­ment, part net­work field record­ing de­vice.


    Bernhard Garnicnig studies Digital Art at the University for Applied Arts and Fine Art at the Academy of Fine Arts, both in Vienna. In his work as artist and curator he is mainly interested in shaping social, institutional and audiovisual space-time constellations.

Last Known Location:

  • Austria



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: