Birgit Bachler

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Bir­git Bach­ler is an Aus­trian new media artist liv­ing, work­ing, and study­ing in Rot­ter­dam (NL). She holds a BA in In­for­ma­tion De­sign/Media & In­ter­ac­tion De­sign and is cur­rently study­ing at the Piet Zwart In­sti­tute, Mas­ter Media De­sign and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Net­worked Media (Rot­ter­dam). She has a back­ground in in­ter­ac­tive, au­dio­vi­sual media and pro­gram­ming, and her past re­search has fo­cused on the in­flu­ence of emer­gent media on our every­day lives and how tech­nol­ogy in­flu­ences and ma­nip­u­lates so­cial be­hav­ior. Bach­ler’s re­cent work fea­tures a dat­ing-like web­site built upon gro­cery shop­ping data, an al­ter­na­tive map of Rot­ter­dam based on peo­ple’s win­dow dec­o­ra­tions and a lo­ca­tion-based so­cial net­work of au­di­ble con­tent.  

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: