Célia Boutilier

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Beaux-Arts de Paris, Sciences, Arts, Creation and Research, PhD Student

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Célia Boutilier (FR) After a DNAP at ENSA Dijon (2016), a year at ERG Brussels (2017), a collaboration with LadHyX Polytechnique (2014-2019), Célia Boutilier joins the Beaux-Arts de Paris (2017) to defend a DNSAP (2019). Since 2014 she has been collaborating with research laboratories (microfluidics – Polytechnique, and mycorrhizal symbioses – National Museum of Natural History) where she is interested in how imaging techniques participate in the elaboration of knowledge. Since 2016, her work has been exhibited at fairs and international events, including the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris and the Maison des Métallos. He has been quoted in several scientific journals, including Physics Today, The New-York Times, Le Monde. Since 2020, it has also been part of private collections such as the Altarea company or the GIDE Loyrette Nouel firm. In October 2021 Célia Boutilier starts a PhD in ‘Sciences, Arts, Creation, Research’ (SACRe-PSL) at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Last Known Location:

Paris, France

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: