Ceyda Yolgörmez

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ceyda Yolgörmez is a PhD candidate in Social and Cultural Analysis Program in Concordia University. She is also the coordinator of the research group Machine Agencies in Milieux Institute. Her main research looks at the socialization of AI agents through situated interactions in game contexts. She studies the game-playing AIs and focuses on the material-discursive conditions through which specific articulations of their agencies emerge. Alongside this, she thinks about the implications of doing a sociology of AI, both for the discipline of sociology, and for the futures that are cultivated by machinic intelligences. She is interested in new forms of social relations that come into being through imaginaries and practices that sustain interactions with AI systems.

Last Known Location:

Montréal, Canada

Role(s) at the symposia over the years:
