Charlotte Frost

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Morgan McKeehan, Rhizome, US


Dr. Char­lotte Frost is a writer and aca­d­e­mic fo­cus­ing on art’s re­la­tion­ship with tech­nol­ogy. Pro­duc­ing re­views and dis­cus­sion on Dig­i­tal/New Media art for more than ten years, she has worked on­line and off with a va­ri­ety of key or­gan­i­sa­tions in­clud­ing Fur­ther­field, Rhi­zome and a-n, where she writes a reg­u­lar col­umn. She is founder and ed­i­tor of the re­search pro­ject and aca­d­e­mic book se­ries, Arts Fu­ture Book, which looks at how dig­i­tal cre­ativ­ity chal­lenges the form and con­tent of the art his­tory/crit­i­cism/the­ory book. She is writ­ing her first book, Art His­tory On­line: Mail­ing Lists, Dig­i­tal Fo­rums and the Fu­ture of Crit­i­cism, which comes out in 2012. A mem­ber of the CAA Com­mit­tee on In­tel­lec­tual Prop­erty she is also the founder of PhD2Pub­lished, a web re­source of­fer­ing aca­d­e­mic book pub­lish­ing ad­vice to early-ca­reer aca­d­e­mics. She will be the 2011-2012 In­ter­na­tional Post-Doc­toral Fel­low at the Cen­ter for 21st Cen­tury Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Wis­con­sin-Mil­wau­kee.

Last Known Location:

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: