Christian Jacquemin

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Chris­t­ian Ulrik An­der­sen is as­so­ci­ate pro­fes­sor and chair of Dig­i­tal Aes­thet­ics Re­search Cen­tre, Aarhus Uni­ver­sity, Den­mark . He re­searchers within dig­i­tal aes­thet­ics, soft­ware cities and com­puter games. To­gether with Søren Pold he is the ed­i­tor of a new book: “In­ter­face Crit­i­cism – Aes­thet­ics Be­yond the But­tons”. He is also a re­searcher in Cen­tre for Dig­i­tal Urban Liv­ing, Aarhus Uni­ver­sit.


Christian Jacquemin is interested in the applications of augmented and virtual reality to arts, design, and architecture. He has collaborated on many art/science projects and organized several workshops and seminars in this area. His research is focused on interactive facial animation and spatial augmented reality.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: