Claudio Pinhanez

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Claudio Pinhanez (USA) Media Artist, MIT Media Laboratory, Massachusetts.


Claudio Pinhanez, Brazil/USA, is a media artist and scientist working on the integration of computer technology and theater. Born in Brazil, he is currently a Ph.D. student at the M.I.T. Media Laboratory, where he conducts research on computer vision and artificial intelligence and creates and produces com­puterized performances. He holds degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science, and has also studied theater, music, and cinema. Claudio has received awards both as an actor and art director from national festivals of theater in Brazil. Claudio’s work aims to create live performances which inte­grate human and computerized actors using advanced sens­ing technology to ensure that real artistic interaction occurs during the rehearsal and performance processes. Claudio recently produced and performed a short comedy sketch called SingSong at ATR-MIC (Kyoto, Japan) involving a mime and four computer-graphics artificial creatures. He was also a member of the team who created the KidsRoom at the Media Laboratory, an interactive, immersive environment for children. Currently he is working on a computer theater piece based on Beckett’s Act Without Words 1, exploring the Godotian relations of mankind and technology. He is also developing a telemedia piece for the 1998’s Carnival in Brazil, and a multimedia piece involving a Hindu dancer.

Last Known Location:

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America

Previous Location(s):

  • BR


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: