Colette Tron
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Colette Tron was born in 1968 in Marseille, France. She works in the fields of communication and language. After having worked in cultural journalism, she is currently working as a writer, using different mediums of communication of language (radio, books, theater, audiovisual, multimedia…), and in questioning their function experimenting with creation that is specific to each one. She collaborates with artists from different disciplines, in France and elsewhere. She participates in festivals reading poetry, writing and interpreting her texts for sonorous creations, collaborates into collective projects using electronic and digital technologies, and participates in colloquiums with forms of writing-NTIC as their theme. By founding the association Alphabetville in 2000, she has created a place of reflection around the rapport between language and the media, technic and art, aesthetic and society, and tries to articulate the practice and theory by dialoguing with the artists, researchers and cultural operators involved and publishing the results of the researches.
ISEA 2008
Colette Tron (Marseille), poet, lingusitic specialist.
Last Known Location:
Title: Writing, Creating and Knowledge in a Digital Medias and New Technologies Society (some problems and critics relatives to old and new languages)
| Type(s):
Title: On the Persistence of Hardware
| Type(s):
Title: From “Immaterial” to “Hypermaterial”