Constance Fleuriot
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Dr. Constance Fleuriot is a researcher at the Digital Cultures Research Centre, based in the Pervasive Media Studio. She is working with Jon Dovey on an AHRC funded Knowledge Transfer Fellowship investigating the language, aesthetics and value of pervasive media. She founded featherhouse, an independent content agency specialising in digital, social and pervasive media, which in 2010 launched fashion popcorn, a new network for creative people working in film, fashion and digital media. Constance was a founding member of staff at the Pervasive Media Studio, working on public engagement projects for the studio, attempting to draw in people of all ages and backgrounds. As a Research Associate at Bristol University, Constance was one of the principal investigators on the Mobile Bristol Project investigating the social impact of emerging pervasive and mobile technologies. Since then she has been working as a freelance consultant in user research and locative media design, and facilitating location-based mixed-media projects with a variety of user communities. She worked on the development of the Futurelab createascape website, a resource for pupils and teachers on how to use HPlabs mscape software in an educational setting. She still runs mscape workshops, mainly with schools, but has experience in teaching mscape to people of all ages. Constance’s interests encompass showing people how to be creative producers with pervasive technology and not just consumers. She is also interested in exploring what might be embedded or hidden in pervasive technology applications, whether deliberate or due to the assumptions of the designer.