Craig R. Harris
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- International Computer Music Association, Composer, Performer, Writer, Educator and Film/Video Artist
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
FISEA1993, ISEA1997
Craig R. Harris is a composer, new media artist, performer, writer and educator. His artwork includes works for concert performance, music theater and performance art, dance, video, computer-based multimedia and art installation. Harris is Executive Editor of the Leonardo/MIT Press WWW journal Leonardo Electronic Almanac. The focus of Harris’ research is Configurable Space, a project that explores the creative process and the impact of new technology on the development of tools and environments for creative activity. Harris’s work has been presented at a variety of international events, including ISEA 1996, the 1996 Copenhagen Film Festival, the 1997 Society for Electro-acoustic Music in the United States Conference, and the 1997 International Computer Music Conference. He is currently creating an electro-acoustic recital work for opera singer Renee Fleming, under a grant from the American Composers Forum, the Jerome Foundation and the Hanson Institute for American Music. He is editing a book documenting the Xerox PARC artist-in-residence program (PAIR), to be published by MIT Press in 1998 in the Leonardo Book Series. He received a Ph.D. in Music Composition from the Eastman School of Music in 1986.
Last Known Location:
- United States of America
International Programme Committee:
Galileo’s First Glimpse
Categories: [Screening] [Animation] [Video Art]
Symposium Presentations:
First Plenary Meeting of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
Symposium: | Type(s): Annual General Meeting
Title: Organisational Networking
Title: In Delicate Balance
| Type(s):
Title: First Plenary Meeting of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
| Type(s):
Title: Configuring Hospitable Space