Darko Fritz

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Darko Fritz, b. 1966 Croatia, artist. Fritz is a multimedia artist, curator, media archeologist and graphic designer. He studied architecture at Zagreb University and completed post-graduate studies at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (media art department). His work filling the gap between contemporary art practices and media art culture. Fritz was a founding member of the artist collectives Cathedral (1988), The Imitation of Life Studio (1987 – 1990), Young Croatian Electronic Films (1991) and The Future State of Balkania (1998). He organized following exhibitions: “Graphic Design Culture in The Netherlands” (1999), “I am Still Alive” (international Internet art and pioneer computer art of the 1960s; 2000), CLUB.NL (Dutch contemporary art; 2000), “Lights from Zagreb” (interactive light installations; 2001) and (2003). Since 2002 he works as editor in the field of media art on the virtual portal of Croatian culture, Culturenet.


Darko Fritz is artist and in­de­pen­dent cu­ra­tor and re­searcher. He was born in 1966, in Croa­tia, and cur­rently he lives and works in Am­s­ter­dam, Za­greb and Korcula. He stud­ied ar­chi­tec­ture at the Uni­ver­sity of Za­greb [1986 – 1989] and fine art at Rijk­sakademie van Beeldende Kun­sten in Am­s­ter­dam (1990-1992). His work fills the gap be­tween con­tem­po­rary art prac­tices and media art cul­ture. He has worked with video since 1988 and cre­ated his first com­puter-gen­er­ated en­vi­ron­ment in 1988. He is using the In­ter­net as artis­tic medium since 1994. Re­cently he has been de­vel­op­ing hor­ti­cul­tural units in pub­lic spaces, trans­gress­ing the con­tents from the dig­i­tal do­main.

His re­search on his­to­ries of in­ter­na­tional com­puter-gen­er­ated art re­sulted in sev­eral pub­li­ca­tions and ex­hi­bi­tions that went pub­lic since 2000, when he cu­rated the world’s first his­toric ret­ro­spec­tive ex­hi­bi­tion of the field: I am Still Alive (early com­puter-gen­er­ated art and re­cent low-tech and in­ter­net art), Za­greb, 2000. As well he cu­rated CLUB.?NL – con­tem­po­rary art and art net­works from the Nether­lands, Dubrovnik, 2000; Bit In­ter­na­tional – Com­put­ers and Vi­sual Re­search, [New] Ten­den­cies, Za­greb 1961 – 1973, Neue Ga­lerie, Graz, 2007 and ZKM, Karl­sruhe, 2008; Re­con­struc­tion: pri­vate=pub­lic=pri­vate=pub­lic=, Bel­grade, 2009 and An­gles and In­ter­sec­tions (co-cu­rated with Chris­tiane Paul, Nina Czegledy, El­lena Rosi and Peter Do­brila), Mu­seum of Mod­ern and Con­tem­po­rary Art, Ri­jeka, 2009.

As ed­i­tor for media art at net por­tal Cul­turenet he edited re­lated data­base and pub­lished A Brief Overview of Media Art in Croa­tia in 2002. In 2010 he start the re­search on the be­gin­ning of com­puter-gen­er­ated art in the Nether­lands. Fritz is founder and pro­gram­mer of the grey) (area – space of con­tem­po­rary and media art since 2006.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: