Darko Fritz
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Darko Fritz, b. 1966 Croatia, artist. Fritz is a multimedia artist, curator, media archeologist and graphic designer. He studied architecture at Zagreb University and completed post-graduate studies at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (media art department). His work filling the gap between contemporary art practices and media art culture. Fritz was a founding member of the artist collectives Cathedral (1988), The Imitation of Life Studio (1987 – 1990), Young Croatian Electronic Films (1991) and The Future State of Balkania (1998). He organized following exhibitions: “Graphic Design Culture in The Netherlands” (1999), “I am Still Alive” (international Internet art and pioneer computer art of the 1960s; 2000), CLUB.NL (Dutch contemporary art; 2000), “Lights from Zagreb” (interactive light installations; 2001) and (2003). Since 2002 he works as editor in the field of media art on the virtual portal of Croatian culture, Culturenet.
Darko Fritz is artist and independent curator and researcher. He was born in 1966, in Croatia, and currently he lives and works in Amsterdam, Zagreb and Korcula. He studied architecture at the University of Zagreb [1986 – 1989] and fine art at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (1990-1992). His work fills the gap between contemporary art practices and media art culture. He has worked with video since 1988 and created his first computer-generated environment in 1988. He is using the Internet as artistic medium since 1994. Recently he has been developing horticultural units in public spaces, transgressing the contents from the digital domain.
His research on histories of international computer-generated art resulted in several publications and exhibitions that went public since 2000, when he curated the world’s first historic retrospective exhibition of the field: I am Still Alive (early computer-generated art and recent low-tech and internet art), Zagreb, 2000. As well he curated CLUB.?NL – contemporary art and art networks from the Netherlands, Dubrovnik, 2000; Bit International – Computers and Visual Research, [New] Tendencies, Zagreb 1961 – 1973, Neue Galerie, Graz, 2007 and ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008; Reconstruction: private=public=private=public=, Belgrade, 2009 and Angles and Intersections (co-curated with Christiane Paul, Nina Czegledy, Ellena Rosi and Peter Dobrila), Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, 2009.
As editor for media art at net portal Culturenet he edited related database and published A Brief Overview of Media Art in Croatia in 2002. In 2010 he start the research on the beginning of computer-generated art in the Netherlands. Fritz is founder and programmer of the grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art since 2006.
Last Known Location:
Title: Documenting Art, Science and Technology: Amnesia International: Early Computer Art Within the Tendencies Network and Bit International Magazine
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Title: Embodied Digital Interfaces
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Title: Imaginary Futures
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