David Cotterrell

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


David Cotterrell, UK


David Cotterrell is an installation artist working across media and technologies. Cotterrell works to develop projects that can embrace the quiet spaces that are the sites for action, which might (or might not) be clearly understood in the future. Cotterrell’s work has been commissioned and shown extensively in Europe, the United States and Asia in gallery spaces, museums and within the public realm. He is Professor of Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University and is represented by Danielle Arnaud. He lives and works in London, UK.


David Cot­ter­rell is an in­stal­la­tion artist work­ing across var­ied media in­clud­ing video, audio, in­ter­ac­tive media, ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, de­vice con­trol and hy­brid tech­nol­ogy. His work ex­hibits po­lit­i­cal, so­cial and be­hav­ioural analy­ses of the en­vi­ron­ments and con­texts, which he and his work in­habit. Over the last ten years, his work has been ex­ten­sively com­mis­sioned and ex­hib­ited in North Amer­ica, Eu­rope and the Far East, in gallery spaces, mu­se­ums and within the pub­lic realm. Re­cent ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude: East­ern Stan­dard: West­ern Artists in China at MASS MoCA, Mass­a­chu­setts, War and Med­i­cine at the Well­come Col­lec­tion, Lon­don and Map Games at the Today Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art, Bei­jing and Birm­ing­ham City Art Gallery. He is Pro­fes­sor of Fine Art at Sheffield Hal­lam Uni­ver­sity and has been a con­sul­tant to strate­gic mas­ter­plans, cul­tural and pub­lic art pol­icy for urban re­gen­er­a­tion, health­care and growth areas. He is rep­re­sented by Danielle Ar­naud con­tem­po­rary art and is cur­rently re­search­ing and de­vel­op­ing new work with ad­vanced sim­u­la­tion com­pany Rock­well Collins, with the sup­port of an Arts Coun­cil Eng­land fel­low­ship.

Last Known Location:

London, United Kingdom


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: