Dia Hamed was born in Cairo, stud­ied Art Ed­u­ca­tion in “Hel­wan Uni­ver­sity” and lives and works in Cairo as an artist. In­stead of being de­voted to a cer­tain dis­ci­pline, he kept ex­plor­ing through wide va­ri­ety of praxis like the­ater (per­form­ing, cre­ation and scenog­ra­phy), and then re­al­iz­ing cre­ation of his pro­jects within the con­text of Egypt­ian con­tem­po­rary art. Dur­ing stud­ies, he prac­ticed act­ing, danc­ing and per­cus­sion for the­ater in uni­ver­sity fes­ti­vals and other cul­tural events till 2006. Later on he took part with live per­for­mance art works in “Salon El Shabab” 17th  & 18th as well as Sabeel per­for­mance meet­ings in the Town­house gallery 2007/08, sub­se­quently redi­rected to ex­per­i­ment­ing in­ter­ac­tiv­ity in pub­lic spaces with his lat­est pro­jects “sit­u­a­tion-com­pli­ca­tion” & “Na­tive Tourists”. He co­founded Stu­dio Mo­roni the­ater group, Sabeel pro­ject and Medrar for con­tem­po­rary art in which he cur­rently work­ing as its pro­jects’ di­rec­tor, also with Berlin based Com­pany “Ri­m­ini Pro­tokol” for doc­u­men­tary the­ater pro­duc­tion as an as­sis­tant di­rec­tor.