Dimitris Batsis

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Postdoctoral Researcher

Last Known Location:

Ioannina, Greece

Additional Links:

Dimitris Batsis is a sound artist and academic researcher. He holds a PhD in Biomusic (the transformation of biological signals into sound art through research in new mediums) from the Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences at the University of Ioannina, as well as an MA in Contemporary Arts and Music from Oxford Brookes University. His research covers the field of biological functions in relation to new media and sciences, as well as sound design and interactive systems. His creative output spans sound installations, performances, and video art, utilizing audiovisual applications and coding. He develops sound works through studio practices that are primarily rooted in exploring the interconnectedness of sound and image within the domain of audiovisual perception. He has participated in international festivals, exhibitions, and artistic events across the world. Dimitris has taught music technology and sound design in audiovisual applications at universities in Greece and the UK, focusing primarily on the subject of sound art.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: