Dorotea Etzler (lazyliu)

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Dorotea Etzler aka lazyliu, Berlin, Germany. I use analogue and digital tools to create hand made art content. As a conceptual artist the idea comes first. None of my works are arbitrary. Glitch art is a major factor of my imagery creation ever since.

Dorotea Etzler (English name Doreen) is a conceptual artist based in Berlin, Germany. As VJane lazyliu she interacts with the smart phone to create artistic imagery. Her work investigates the media by means of glitch art and visual noise. Her background is in architecture and video. From 1998 to 2000, she lived in Hong Kong and became part of the Oil Street Artist Village.

Last Known Location:

Berlin, Germany

Composer / Director / Choreographer:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: