Dr. Gordon Hush

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Dr. Gor­don Hush is a so­ci­ol­o­gist who now heads the Prod­uct De­sign de­part­ment of The Glas­gow School of Art, UK. He tends to focus upon the re­la­tion­ship be­tween peo­ple and things and tries to ex­plain this in terms of ex­pe­ri­ence(s) since this avoids hav­ing to talk about human na­ture. His PhD was sup­posed to be about peo­ple using shop­ping cen­tres but ended up tak­ing so­cial the­ory to task for its re­liance upon econ­o­mistic as­sump­tions and their role in shap­ing human ac­tiv­ity. He is cur­rently in­ter­ested in find­ing out how de­sign prac­tice can con­tribute to and be ma­te­ri­al­ized in and through local ac­tiv­i­ties, ex­pe­ri­ences and ar­ti­facts and so serve as a counter to glob­al­iz­ing forces and their “out­sourc­ing” of jobs, money and op­por­tu­nity. To this end he is cur­rently set­ting up a new Mas­ters pro­gramme at The Glas­gow School of Art in De­sign & Cit­i­zen­ship.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: