Drew Hemment

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art

Other Affiliation(s):

  • FUTUREsonic

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Drew Hemment, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, Dundee UK


Drew Hemment (UK) is Director of Future Everything, a nonprofit company responsible for Futuresonic International Festival; AHRC Research Fellow in Creative Technologies, University of Salford; and Project Investigator in the Pervasive and Locative Arts Network (PLAN). He is currently working on the interdisciplinary arts-based research project Loca: Location Oriented Critical Arts. Projects include Loca (2003-present), Futuresonic (1995-present), Low Grade (2005), Mobile Connections (2004), FutureDJ (2004), Turntable Re: mix (2004), Migrations (2002-2003), Blacktronica (2002), Sensurround (2001-2002), BrokenChannel (2001) and SenseSonic (2000). Hemment was involved in early U.K. electronic dance culture as a DJ and event organize): He completed an MA at the University of Warwick and a Ph.D. at the University of Lancaster.


Drew Hemment (UK)


Drew Hemment, FUTUREsonic, UK

Last Known Location:

United Kingdom


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: