Elena Giulia Rossi

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Since 1999, Elena Giulia Rossi has expressed her research throughout writing, curating, teaching, based on exploring contemporary art and its relationship with science and technology, from a socio-anthropological perspective. She is founder and editorial director of Arshake Reinventing Technology.


Dr. Elena Giulia Rossi lives and works in Rome, Italy, where she has been collaborating with MAXXI  – the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo (National Museum of the 21st Century Arts) since 2002. She holds a degree in History of Art from the University of Roma La Sapienza and an MA in Arts Administration from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago (2002). She has collaborated with different galleries and institutions in Italy and abroad, such as P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center (New York, 2001); The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago (2002); the Joan Flash Artists’ Book Collection at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago (2002); and Studio Stefania Miscetti (Rome 2003-2004). She has been invited to give lectures and presentations at seminars, conferences and symposia in Italy and abroad.

She writes regularly for catalogues and magazines. She has collaborated for the online version of the newspaper “L’Unita” (focused on net art, 2005 – 2008), and she currently contributes to the magazine cura.artmagazine. Among her curated projects are: NETinSPACE (MAXXI, Rome, 2010 – 2011); The Quadrilateral Biennial (curator for the Italian participation, Rijeka, Croazia 2010); “NetSpace” (series of cicles – MAXXI, Rome 2005-2008); “Vivono e lavorano a Roma, Nordine Sajot” (Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, 2008); “Food in Bytes”, Time in Jazz Festival (Berchidda, Sardinia, 2006). She is the author of Archeonet (Lalli: Siena, 2003), one of the first Italian publications on net/web art, and the editor of Eduardo Kac: Move 36 (Filigranes Éditions: Paris, 2005).

Last Known Location:

Rome, Italy

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: