Elizabeth Eastland

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of Sydney

Other Affiliation(s):

  • University of Wollongong

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Elizabeth Eastland is a PhD Candidate at Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney University and Artist in Residence at the Australian Institute of Intelligent Materials at the University of Wollongong. Using video as both documentary record and art form, her project consists of filming four different scientists in materials, biochemistry and physics as they perform their research. At the heart of this investigation is the idea of the laboratory and studio as a theatre for the exploration of the unknown and the creation of new knowledge. A central question she explores is how artists and scientists relate in their abandonment of a priori forms as they search for the not yet discovered. She is interested in how the approach to the unknown, the culture of science, the materials used, the technologies and a priori assumptions, define the experience of the unknown and shape the creation of knowledge. Her project examines contemporary manifestations of the sublime, particularly the existential terror of the unknown as it relates to fields of knowledge. Her films explore how scientists engaged in the creation of knowledge negotiate this terror.


Elizabeth Eastland, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney/University of Wollongong, Australia

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: