Elizabeth Vander Zaag
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
- Elizabeth Vander Zaag is a media artist. Her voice interactive installation “Talk Nice” produced through the Banff Centre (2000) was exhibited in Seoul, Sao Paulo and Paris as well as throughout Canada. Her early work in the 70’s are harbingers of digital technologies. Her video orks produced during the 80’s were widely distributed through Video Out and V/Tape. Elizabeth has an MA (UBC, 2007) with a publication by VDM Verlang press (2011) Mother Tongue: A study of Participant Affect in an interactive Installation.
- Elizabeth Vander Zaag, creator of Talk Nice, has developed voice tracking software that works with emotion. These soft wares read the feelings of the user and program a path that corrects, responds, connects them based on feeling and the user’s desire to share their feelings with others or change their expression. Elizabeth VanderZaag is a video and computer artist who has created many single channels works as well as installations.