Elle Mehrmand

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Elle Mehrmand is a per­for­mance artist and mu­si­cian who uses the body, elec­tron­ics, video, sound and in­stal­la­tion within her work. She is the singer and trom­bone player of As­sem­bly of Mazes, a music col­lec­tive who cre­ates dark, elec­tronic, mid­dle east­ern, rhyth­mic jazz rock. Elle is cur­rently an MFA can­di­date at UCSD, US, and re­ceived her BFA in art pho­tog­ra­phy with a minor in music at CSULB. She is a  col­lec­tive mem­ber of the Elec­tronic Dis­tur­bance The­atre 2.0 and the b.a.n.g. Lab, and is a re­searcher at CRCA <Cen­ter for Re­search and Com­put­ing in the Arts> at UCSD. Her work has been in­ter­na­tion­ally shown at venues such as Los An­ge­les Con­tem­po­rary Ex­hi­bi­tions <LACE>, the Mu­seum of Con­tem­po­rary Art San Diego <MCASD>, High­ways Per­for­mance Space, Or­ange County Mu­seum of Art <OCMA>, UCLA Freud Play­house, CECUT, Mapa Teatro, the Nevada Mu­seum of Art, and the Gallery of the Na­tional Col­lege of Art and De­sign. She has been dis­cussed in Art­fo­rum, Art21, the LA Times, Jux­tapoz mag­a­zine, WIRED, Net­worked Per­for­mance, the LA & OC Weekly,  Furtherfield.org, the City­Beat, and VICE mag­a­zine.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: