Emma Forgues

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Emma Forgues  is a new media artist based in Montreal, Canada They hold a bachelor’s in Computation Arts from Concordia University (2020). Their interests revolve around the environmental, cultural and emotional impacts of science and technology on the body, through installation and performance projects. They have presented their work in numerous galleries and festivals, including Le Centre Pompidou (2019), Sight & Sound (2019), IEEE-ICRA-X: Robotic Art Program (2019), ELEKTRA (2019), MUTEK (2021), Perte de Signal (2022) and Currents New Media, NM-US (2022). Forgues received a residency at OBORO and presented their bio-art installation, Mycocene at the International Market for Digital Art (MIAN ELEKTRA) in June 2019. Their research on Experimenting with Robotic Softness in collaboration with Sam Bourgault was published by ISEA2020: 26th international Symposium on Electronic Art in 2020. They were both presenters at the symposium.


Emmanuelle Forgues, Computation Arts, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Emma Forgues is a new media artist based in Montreal. She holds a bachelor’s in Computation Arts from Concordia University. Her interests revolve around the cultural and emotional impacts of science and technology on the female body, through installation and performance projects. She has presented her work in numerous galleries and festivals, including MUTEK (2017), Le Centre Pompidou (2019), Sight and Sound (2019), IEEE-ICRA-X: Robotic Art Program (2019) and ELEKTRA (2019). Forgues also received a residency at OBORO and presented her bio-art installation produced with the collective somme at the International Market for Digital Art (MIAN | ELEKTRA) in June 2019.

Last Known Location:

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: