Emma Westecott

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U), Associate Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2023

    Associate Professor, Game:Play Lab Co-Director, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada


    Emma Westecott has worked in and around the game industry for over twenty years. She originally achieved recognition for working closely with Douglas Adams as programmer then producer for the best-selling Starship Titanic (1998, Simon & Schuster). Emma directed zerogame for The Interactive Institute, an applied games research lab based in Sweden and organised Women in Games 2007. She was a core member of the Synergy games research group at The University of Wales, Newport. Her research interests include the celebration of digital games as an expressive art form and the potential for practice-based research to extend, enhance and conceive of game form in new and creative ways. Her research focus is centred on the ongoing creative evolution of game form, both in terms of new experience and new human possibilities. This, and the impressive body of work created under her leadership of the zerogame studio in Sweden, brought her to the DFI at OCAD to teach games and develop their games research initiative.


    Emma West­e­cott cur­rently teaches at OCAD Uni­ver­sity in Toronto, CA. She orig­i­nally achieved recog­ni­tion for work­ing closely with Dou­glas Adams as pro­gram­mer and pro­ducer for the best-sell­ing Star­ship Ti­tanic (1998, Simon & Schus­ter) and she has worked in and around the game in­dus­try for over fif­teen years. She led the ze­rogame stu­dio at The In­ter­ac­tive In­sti­tute in Swe­den, was a core mem­ber of the Syn­ergy games re­search group at The Uni­ver­sity of Wales, and or­gan­ised Women in Games 2007.

Last Known Location:

  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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