Falk Heinrich
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
ISEA 2014
Falk Heinrich, DK, PhD, Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, Head of Studies (School of Communication, Art and Technology). Falk Heinrich holds a MA in dramaturgy and multimedia and a PhD in interactive installation art. He teaches art theory and aesthetics, interactive dramaturgy and artistic methodology. He worked as a theatre actor and director and installation artist. His theoretical investigations continue to develop in close relation to practical, artistic work. Heinrich is affiliated with the research group RELATE (Research Laboratory for Art and Technology) at Aalborg Universit
ISEA 2011
Falk Heinrich is affiliated with the research group and educational program ‘Art and Technology’. He teaches digital aesthetics and artistic methodology. He has worked as an actor and theatre director and his theoretical investigation continues to develop in close relation to practical, artistic work.His current research interest is ‘performative aesthetics’ and his work — focusing on notions of affect, presence, beauty and communication — attempts to form bridges among certain discourses in the human sciences, sociology, engineering, and neuro-science. He is the author of the book Interaktiv digital installationskunst – teori og analyse (2008).
Last Known Location:
Title: On the embodiment of the virtual (in the age of the collapsing distinction between fiction and reality)
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Title: Investigating Interactive Beauty: A Research-Art Project
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Title: A theoretical foundation for the integration of artistic and academic methodologies
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Title: Beauty of Media Created Worlds