Filipa Cruz

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts, Assistant Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Artist, poet and academic scholar, Filipa Sofia Correia de Carvalho eCruz (b. 1990) works in sculpture, aesthetics and literature. She has a PhDfrom the Fine Arts University of Porto, a Master’s degree from the Beaux-Artsde Paris and a postgraduate degree from Panthéon-Sorbonne. She exhibitsregularly in Portugal, France and Italy. She is Assistant Professor at theFaculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP) and has taught in Parisfor almost a decade. She is the Chief Editor of HUB — Journal of Research inArt, Design and Society ( She has participated inmore than 30 international conferences as a speaker and reviewer and hassupervised more than 30 Master’s and PhD theses. She has taken part in morethan 60 Master’s Degree Defense Juries. Filipa de Carvalho e Cruz ( has outlined five propositions that organize herartistic-scientific research: Eros and Anteros; Ruin; Desire and Will;Intertextuality; Ingenuity and Fiction. The invocation of Love permeates theentirety of her literary and sculptural cosmos.

Last Known Location:

Porto, Portugal

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: