Filippo Gregoretti

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Naples’ Suor Orsola Benincasa University

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Educated as a fine artist and musician, alongside a career as a traditional visual artist, pianist and composer, Filippo has pursued a passion for technology and algorithms since his teenage years, creating interactive works of art with generative visuals and music. This journey has led him to explore the intersection of music, visual art, design, and the creation of immersive digital experiences and interactive pathways for the international market since the 1980s. He founded one of the first digital creative studios in Italy and, in 1992, launched “NeT-ArT”, one of the earliest art-related dynamic experiments on the internet. He released the first ever works of art that were made into applications and distributed in the official stores. His works of art incorporate his own original artistic artificial intelligence algorithms and encompass installations, live performances, music, and physical visual artworks. His awards include the “Perseo D’Oro” first prize at the Mediartech Festival Internazionale dell’Opera Multimediale 1996, presided over by Gillo Pontecorvo’s jury. As a professor at Naples’ Suor Orsola Benincasa University, his lectures include “authorship and technology for digital experiences” and “transmedia arts and storytelling.” His artworks have been exhibited during solo and group exhibitions, and he has performed internationally, accompanied by other performers or by his digital beings, on hundreds of occasions since the ‘80s. He is currently an artist in residency for the European Commission S+T+ARTS program.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: