Flavia Sparacino
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Electronic engineer and researcher at the MIT Medialab. Her research lies on a generative and narrative conception of space and urban space with the assumption that graphic representation of space can increase the marks of individual information.
Flavia Sparacino, USA, is a graduate student at the M.I.T. Media Lab. Her main research interest is in combining computer graphics endowed with perceptual intelligence (media creatures), with film/photography, for storytelling in interactive performance spaces, web-based worlds, advertisement, and news presentation. Other interests include sensors, story interfaces, and computer generated music. She has presented her work at SIGGRAPH 96 (Digital Bayou), the Sixth Biennal Symposium on Arts and Technology, and IJCAI, among others. She recently completed her Master, degree at the M.I.T. Media Lab, where she built a Typographic Actor, an interactive DanceSpace that generates graphics and music according to the dancer’s movement, and a voice- and gesture-driven Net Space for surfing the web. Flavia received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, a B.S. in Robotics from Ecole Centrale Paris and a M.S. in Cognitive Sciences at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France. She received a number of scholarships and awards for her academic work and career including ones from the European Comm unity, the Italian Center for National Research, the French Center for National Research and Fulbright, among others. She spent some time in Film School and has done travel photography in many countries around the world.
Last Known Location:
Previous Location(s):
- IT
Title: Responsive Portraits
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Title: Computer Programming and Conception of Cities
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Title: Dance Space: An Interactive Video Interface
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Title: New Interfaces for Dance panel intro