Flóra Barkóczi
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Flóra Barkóczi is an art historian working as an archivist and researcher at Artpool Art Research Center Budapest. She is also a PhD student at the Film, Media and Contemporary Culture PhD program at ELTE Budapest. At Artpool she is responsible for the development and research of materials based on new media and digital technologies since the 1980s. She is interested in new interpretations of Artpool’s presence on the Internet since the mid-nineties, as a continuation of its former networker activities of the 1970s. Her research focus includes new media art, contemporary fine art photography, and internet-based art practices from the 90s on. As a PhD candidate, she is focusing on the development of digital culture and media art in Hungary and as a broader context in the East-Central European region in the nineties and its conditions determined by the establishment of liberal democracies right after the change of the regime.
Title: Experimental archiving. Artpool’s website as a digital archive of underground art in Hungary
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