Georg Hajdu

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Georg Hajdu was born in Göttin­gen, Ger­many in 1960. He is among the first com­posers of his gen­er­a­tion ded­i­cated to the com­bi­na­tion of music, sci­ence and com­puter tech­nol­ogy. After stud­ies in Cologne and at the Cen­ter for New Music and Audio Tech­nolo­gies (CNMAT), he re­ceived his PhD from UC Berke­ley. In 1996, fol­low­ing res­i­den­cies at IRCAM and the ZKM, Karl­sruhe, he co-founded the en­sem­ble Wire­Works with his wife Jen­nifer Hymer, a group spe­cial­iz­ing in the per­for­mance of elec­tro-acoustic music. Georg Hajdu has pub­lished ar­ti­cles on sev­eral top­ics on the bor­der­line of music and sci­ence. His areas of in­ter­est in­clude mul­ti­me­dia, mi­cro­tonal­ity, al­go­rith­mic, in­ter­ac­tive and net­worked com­po­si­tion. Cur­rently, Georg Hajdu is pro­fes­sor of mul­ti­me­dia com­po­si­tion at the Ham­burg School of Music and The­ater.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years:
