Georg Mühleck

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Georg Mühleck was born 1954 in Neckarsulm, Germany; 1978 and 1979 residence in Spain; 1980 to 1991 transatlantic life/art (Montreal/Stuttgart); since 1991 life/art in Stuttgart. Prizes/grants include: Computer Integrated Media Research (Grant) Canada Council.; Arbeitsstipendium Al, Kunstfonds, Bonn.; Der Goldene Plotter (First Prize, International ComputerArt), Museum Gladbeck/GeK.; Accessibilite (Stipendium) Gouvernement du Quebec. Exhibitions/confer­ences/events:1996: Computer Art, Museum Gladbeck.; 1995: Vehicle Pool, events in various rooms, Galerie AVU, Prague, Ceska Republika.; ISEA95 Montreal.; International Computer Artists, Francis Colburn Gallery, Burlington, U.S.A..; Atrium Verra Galerie Arts Technologiques, Montreal.; Pow Wow (gathering and performance), BINZ39,Zuerich; Art Technology (I), Electrographic Biennial, Seoul; Gallery Artbeam, Seoul, Korea.; 1994: 13th World Computer Congress, Universität Hamburg.; Automata Mind, Galerie Manfred Rieker, Heilbronn.; 1993: Screen Heads – Automata Simulations, Galerie Arts Technologiques, Montreal.; Interface
Musikhochschule Hamburg.; Montage 93: Copigraphic Interconnections, Visual Studies Workshop Gallery, Rochester, N.Y.; FISEA (ISEA93), Minneapolis, U.S.A.; Computer Kunst and Arte Digital, Goethe-Institut, Buenos Aires.; Fotofeis, Eden Court Gallery, Inverness, Scotland.; 1992: copy bites, Galerie Maerz, Linz.; Trivial Machines, Museum Hagen.; 1990: SISEA (ISEA90), Groningen.; The pirate art process, Galerie Rahmel, Cologne; Art Frankfurt (artist books), Messe Frankfurt.


George Mühleck is an artist who creates with copiers, video and computers. He has organized international exhibitions in the copigraphic field, curating and publishing Medium: Photocopy, Canadian and German Copigraphy. He has had 90 exhibitions in North America and Europe and received awards from The Canada Council (Ottawa), Kunstfonds e.V. (Bonn), and “Der Goldene Plotter” (Museum Gladbeck/GeK).

Last Known Location:


Previous Location(s):

  • CA


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: