Hans Dehlinger
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Hans Dehlinger, born 1939 in South Germany, is a Professor in the Department of Product-Design at the University of Kassel, Germany. After an apprenticeship as Cabinet Maker he studied Architecture at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and worked toward his diploma as job captain for the design of the olympic village in Munich (office of Heinle, Wischer and Partner, Architects, Stuttgart). In 1969 he entered the Graduate Program of the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley (with an exchange scholarship by DAAD), where he earned a Ph.D. and began to work extensivly with computers in planning and design. He is head of the Institut”DesignKunst-Computer” at the University of Kassel. His interest in computer assisted art is centered around algorithmically generated drawings produced on pen-plotters and he has made numerous contributions to computer art exhibitions in Germany and abroad among them to the Siggraph Travelling Art Show in 1989. In 1996 he got awarded the “Golden Plotter” by the City of Gladbeck in Germany.
Born on September 29, 1939 in Stetten (Germany).