Hector Centeno Garcia

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

York University, Teacher

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

As an artist, Hector’s focus is on the aesthetic potential of immersive digital sound, visual and interactive experiences that seek to engage the audience into a reflection of existence, place relationship and the phenomenology of place.

Among his artistic activities are national and international presentations of multi-channel sound art, interactive installation art, live sound and video performances, virtual reality experiences, virtual
cinematography (virtual production), and virtual photography. As
a software and interactive system developer and designer, he has
worked on virtual and augmented reality interactive experiences,
video game mechanics and simulation systems, hardware sensors
and micro-controller interactive systems for art installations, and spatial audio software tools. The organizations he has been involved with include New Adventures in Sound Art, Impossible Things, and for multiple independent interactive media artists.
Hector teaches in the School of Cinema, and Media Arts and is part
of the new Creative Technologies program.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: