Hege Tapio

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA 2016

    Hege Tapio was born 1973 in Norway. Lives and works in Stavanger – the oil capitol of Norway. She holds BA/MA in fine art photography from Art College in Bergen, Norway. Tapio is an artist, curator, art consultant, CEO and Managing director of i/o/lab Senter for Framtidskunst based in Stavanger, Norway. Tapio has established and curated Article biennial – a festival for the electronic and unstable art, launched in 2006/2008/2010/2012/2015 and soon again in 2016. Tapio has for years cultured a special interest in the field Bioart. She helped to organize the first Nordic Master Class in Bioart in cooperation with SymbioticA and Stavanger University in 2008. With a kitchen bench DIY attitude, background in fine art photography and through artistic practice she has been inspired to how apparatuses and new technology opens to renewed interpretation, creative misuse and critical thinking. Tapio has produced the first public electronic art installation in Stavanger, consisting of a double sided handmade LED matrix.

Last Known Location:

  • Norway


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: