Heidi Gilpin

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Heidi Gilpin, USA, panel chair, teaches in the Department of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Harvard University, and lectures and publishes internation­ally on cultural studies in performance, with an emphasis on issues of bodily practice, critical theory, new media tech­nologies, and architecture. Since 1989 she has worked as the Dramaturg (Conceptual Author) of William Forsythe and the Frankfurt Ballet, most recently on Eidos:Telos (1995), an evening-length production involving interactive technologies. Gilpin is presently engaged in performance, electronic media, and Internet projects, and is completing a book entitled Traumatic Events:Toward a Poetics of Movement Performance. She is also editing a book on the bodies of new technologies.

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: