He­lene Black is an artist and co­founder of NeMe. To date, she has many one per­son shows and group shows both in Cyprus and abroad.  In ad­di­tion, she has cu­rated and co-cu­rated sev­eral ex­hi­bi­tions such as “In Tran­si­tion Rus­sia 2008” with Sheila Pinkel and Alisa Prud­nikova (Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art, Eka­ter­in­burg and Na­tional Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Moscow, Rus­sia), “In Tran­si­tion Cyprus 2006” with Sheila Pinkel,  (Lani­tis Cen­tre, Cyprus) and “Isolo­ma­nia” (NIMAC, Nicosia) 2008.  She has also co-cu­rated the fol­low­ing shows with Yian­nis Co­lakides, “…SO NOW WHAT?” (for Scope New York and Basel), “COR UNUM” 2008 (NCCA, Moscow), Mar­gins of Time, 2008, (Lani­tis Cen­tre, Li­mas­sol) and Di­a­logues with the Ma­chine (Sala Berlanga, Madrid, Spain). At pre­sent, He­lene is co-or­di­nat­ing with Yian­nis Co­lakides, the three year NeMe pro­ject, ‘Through the Road­blocks’ (2010 – 2012). This pro­ject, ini­ti­ated by Peter Lyssi­o­tis, George Alexan­der and He­lene Black in 2009 has now grown into a large cross dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ject in­volv­ing many col­lab­o­ra­tions from 10 coun­tries at this stage, with em­pha­sis on con­tri­bu­tions made by par­tic­i­pants from coun­tries which im­me­di­ately sur­round Cyprus in the East­ern Mediter­ranean re­gion.