Igor Stro­ma­jer

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ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Igor Stro­ma­jer (In­tima Vir­tual Base) is an in­ti­mate mo­bile com­mu­ni­ca­tor, a mul­ti­me­dia artist. His oeu­vre com­prises nearly 150 pro­jects pre­sented at more than 100 ex­hi­bi­tions in 50 coun­tries on all the con­ti­nents. The two most widely known are Bal­let­tikka In­ter­net­tikka and Op­pera In­ter­net­tikka (1997-2011). He has re­ceived sev­eral awards for his work (in Moscow, Ham­burg, Dres­den, Belfort, Madrid and Mari­bor), and his pro­jects form part of the per­ma­nent col­lec­tions of pres­ti­gious art in­sti­tu­tions, among them Le Cen­tre Na­tional d’Art et de Cul­ture Georges Pom­pi­dou – Musee Na­tional d’Art Mod­erne in Paris, France, the Museo Na­cional Cen­tro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain, the Mod­erna Ga­ler­ija in Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia, the Com­put­erfin­earts Gallery – net and media art col­lec­tion, in New York, USA and the Mari­bor Art Gallery, Slove­nia. His mul­ti­me­dia pro­jects re­search emo­tional tac­tics, and in­ti­mate po­lit­i­cal guer­rilla and trau­matic low-tech com­mu­ni­ca­tion strate­gies. As a guest artist he lec­tures at uni­ver­si­ties and con­tem­po­rary art in­sti­tutes in Eu­rope, North and Latin Amer­ica, and Asia.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: