Ian­nis Zan­nos has a back­ground in music com­po­si­tion, eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy and in­ter­ac­tive per­for­mance. He has worked as Di­rec­tor of the Music Tech­nol­ogy and Doc­u­men­ta­tion sec­tion at the State In­sti­tute for Music Re­search (S.I.M.) in Berlin, Ger­many, and Re­search Di­rec­tor at the Cen­ter for Re­search for Elec­tronic Art Tech­nol­ogy (CRE­ATE) at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Santa Bar­bara. He has taken part at nu­mer­ous in­ter­na­tional col­lab­o­ra­tive Media Arts pro­jects and has re­al­ized mul­ti­me­dia per­for­mances both alone and in co­op­er­a­tion with other artists. He is teach­ing audio and in­ter­ac­tive media arts at the De­part­ment of Au­dio­vi­sual Arts and at the post­grad­u­ate course in Arts and Tech­nolo­gies of Sound of the Music De­part­ment at the Ion­ian Uni­ver­sity, Corfu. Pub­li­ca­tions in­clude: “Ichos und Makam” (Com­par­a­tive Stud­ies on the Modal sys­tems of Greek and Turk­ish Music, 1994), “Music and Signs” (edited pro­ceed­ings of the 1997 con­fer­ence on Music Semi­otics and Sys­tem­atic Mu­si­col­ogy), an a num­ber of ar­ti­cles on Music Tech­nol­ogy and Media Arts. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in artis­tice col­lab­o­ra­tions in­clude (2000), with Mar­tin Carlé pro­gram­ming of in­ter­ac­tive sound for Eric Sle­ichim / Bl!ndman Quar­tet, and Ul­rike and David Gabriel,  2005-2006: Cos­mos-X – Mul­ti­me­dia in­stal­la­tion with mul­ti­ple audio and video pro­jec­tions based on the work of Ian­nis Xe­nakis, with Efi Xirou, and 2004-2005, with Jean-Pierre Hébert real-time sound pro­gram­ming for the in­stal­la­tion se­ries on “Sand”. Cur­rently Ian­nis Zan­nos is fo­cussing on how en­vi­ron­men­tal is­sues as well as prob­lems of mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ity are re­flected in me­dia-art terms.
