Is­abelle Arvers

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Isabelle Arvers (Curator and Game Artist, Machinima Specialist, Director of Kreron) is an author, an art curator and a game artist. Her field of investigation is the immaterial, through the relationship between Art, Video Games, Internet and new forms of images.  Coordinator of ISEA2000 in Paris for Art 3000, she is a pioneer in the field of game art in France with the exhibition Playtime – the gaming room of Villette Numérique she curated in 2002. Her following exhibitions and projects then presented the video game as a new language and as a medium for artists. In partnership with the Gamerz Festival in Aix-en-Provence, she designed the first machinima exhibitions in art gallery and continued to work with curatorial exhibitions of independent games, game art and retrogaming in France with Dream Games, Political Games, Games Reflexions and abroad with Evolution of Gaming, in Vancouver in 2014 and UCLA Gamelab Festival in 2015. She also proposes machinima workshops and trainings around these new means of creation, notably with the NGO Kareron that she created and direct since 2014. From 2014 to 2016, Kareron co-produced the anti-Atlas of borders exhibitions and distributed Migreurop’s exhibition Moving Beyond Borders. In 2015, Kareron produced the exhibition The end of the map with the Sorbonne. In 2018 Kareron produced Transborder / Nathalie Magnan’s Teachings at MUCEM. Kareron has produced the interactive installation Uki Enter the Bionet by artist Shulea Cheang and is currently producing the interactive film UKI Cinema Interrupted by artist Shulea Cheang. Since 2017, Isabelle Arvers curates Art Games Demos, a series of events aimed at promoting video art, animation, machinimas and experimental, independent and artistic video games in a music party. Isabelle curated the 6th edition of Art Games Demos in Medellin in 2018.


Isabelle Arvers (FR), art and games curator. A graduate of the Political Sciences Institute and a Master in Management of cultural projects, Isabelle Arvers specializes in new media in 1993. Pioneer in the field of game art in France , she curated Playtime – the gaming room of Villette Numérique (2002), as well as the gallery on “sound games”.  Her following exhibitions and projects then presented the video game as a new language and as a medium for artists. Organizing a gameboy music concert at Project 101, Paris, 2004 She also curated Mind Control, a exhibition for Banana RAM Ancona, Italy , 2004, and Node Runners game festival, for the Region Ile de France in Paris, 2004. Curator Reactivate under Gametime festival , Melbourne, Australia 2004 / 2005.


Is­abelle Arvers is a french new media cu­ra­tor, critic and au­thor, spe­cial­iz­ing in video and com­puter games, web an­i­ma­tion and dig­i­tal cin­ema. She has co­or­di­nated ISEA 2000, Paris, and she has cu­rated Video Cuts 2001, Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou, Gam­ing Room Vil­lette Nu­merique 2002, Paris, and Tour of the Web 2003, Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou, fea­tur­ing French and in­ter­na­tional artists. In 2004, she or­ga­nized a Game­boy music con­cert and she has cu­rated the wire­less art event Wifilede­france for la Re­gion Ile de France. She was the cu­ra­tor for the 2004 Ba­nana RAM fes­ti­val, Italy. She cu­rated the ex­hibit Ga­me­time, Ex­per­i­me­dia, Mel­bourne in Oc­to­ber 2004 and la Nuit Nu­merique for the 2004 Bit­films Fes­ti­val, Ham­bourg, Ger­many, No­vem­ber 2004. Her lat­est pro­jects are: No fun games and the gam­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, Bergen Nor­way, 2005; Mal au Pixel, Paris, France, 2006; Ar­tic­ule 3, emerg­ing swiss cre­ation, An­necy, France, 2007; Play­ing to real, Meudon, France, 2007, Gamerz 04 and Gamerz 05 and Gamerz6, Aix-en-Provence, 2008 & 2009, Ma­chin­ima screen­ings, Game­play & Mostravideo Brasil, 2009.

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: