James Faure Walker

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


James Faure Walker stud­ied at St Mar­tins (1966-70) and the RCA (1970-72). He co-founded Artscribe mag­a­zine in 1976, and edited it for eight years. Re­cent one-per­son ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude Ga­lerie Wolf Lieser (2003); Ga­lerie der Gegen­wart, Wies­baden (2000, 2001). Group ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude Jer­wood Draw­ing Prize (2010); ‘Dig­i­tal Pi­o­neers’ at the Vic­to­ria and Al­bert Mu­seum (2009); ‘Imag­ing by Num­bers’, Block Mu­seum, Illi­nois, USA (2008); Sig­graph, USA (eight times 1995-2007); John Moores, Liv­er­pool (1982, 2002); Bloomberg Space (2005); DAM Gallery, Berlin (2003, 2005, 2009). In 1998 he won the ‘Golden Plot­ter’ at Com­put­erkunst, Glad­beck, Ger­many. His ‘Paint­ing the Dig­i­tal River: How an Artist Learned to Love the Com­puter’, (2006, Pren­tice Hall, USA), won a New Eng­land Book Show Award. He is Reader in Paint­ing and the Com­puter at Cam­ber­well, UK.


James Faure Walker was born in London 1948. ‘Golden Plotter’, Computerkunst, Gladbeck, 1998. Exhibited, ISEA from 1990; DAM Gallery, Berlin; Siggraph 1995 – 2007. 11 works in Victoria and Albert Museum. Editor, Artscribe 1976. Book, ‘Painting the Digital River’, Prentice Hall 2006. Commissioned artist, FIFA 2010 World Cup.


James Walker, born in London, UK, 1948, painter, exhibitions: Hayward Annual 1979, Whitworth Manchester (one-man) 1985, SISEA Groningen 1990, FISEA Minneapolis 1993, Computerkunst Gladbeck 1994. Tutor in Computing at RCA 1989 – 1993. Editor Artscribe Magazine 1976 – 1983, articles on computers in art in Modern Painters (92, 94).

Last Known Location:

London, United Kingdom

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: