Jan Baetens

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Jan Baetens is pro­fes­sor of cul­tural stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Leu­ven (KUL), Belgium. His re­search top­ics range from French po­etry (which he also prac­tices as a pub­lished poet) and word and image it­er­ac­tions in so-called minor gen­res (graphic novel, photonovel, nov­el­li­sa­tion). He has writ­ten and edited var­i­ous books, among which re­cently: “Pour le ro­man-photo” (Brus­sels, Les Im­pres­sions Nou­velles, 2010), and “Con­strained Writ­ing”, a dou­ble spe­cial of Po­et­ics Today, co-geust e­dited with JJ Pou­cel (vol. 30-4, 2009 and 31-1, 2010).


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: