John McGhee
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Other Affiliation(s):
- University of New South Wales (UNSW)
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Dr. John McGhee was originally trained as an Industrial Designer at Grays School of Art. John then spent several years in the computer graphics industry working on web design, multimedia and 3D computer animation. John’s research began on the MSc in animation and visualisation at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, where he explored the relevance of creative 3D computer graphics technologies in medical imaging. Through collaborative work with the department of Radiology, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee he developed a series of 3D computer animation tools that may have the potential to be used as a means of improving patient disease understanding. A practicing 3D artist, designer, researcher and programme director based at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee. I am currently investigating the application of 3-D computer animation and visualisation techniques in clinical imaging. My work explores methods and techniques of interpreting and mediating clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. I am particularly interested in the interaction space between health professionals and patients. My research investigates the potential for digital 3-D computer-based strategies to engage patients through alternative approaches to data visualisation. The research also investigates the implications of the 3-D CGI artist’s intervention in clinical imaging. Current research projects: – CSO funded ‘Development of Interventions to Increase Physical Activity Among Inactive Young People with Long-term Conditions: MRC Complex Intervention Framework Phase I Study using Asthma as an Exemplar’. A Co-Investigator on a multi-institutional joint project between University of Dundee, University of St Andrews, University of Stirling, University of Edinburgh and University of Newcastle. – AHRC/SFC Knowledge Exchange Programme: A Healthier Scotland : a Co-Investigator on the Visualising the invisible project: developing innovative approaches to visualisation to help NHS staff prevent and control Healthcare Associated Infections. The research is a multi-institutional project between Glasgow School of Art and Grays School of Art, Robert Gordon University, DJCAD University of Dundee and NHS Grampian. – SINAPSE INTERACT- a funded research project exploring 3D computer visualisation and stereoscopic projection (4D) as a means of widening access for patients to understand diagnostic imaging data. Joint grant with School of Medicine, University of Dundee.