Jon Ippolito

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of Maine, School of Computing and Information Science, _Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Jon Ippolito is a new media artist, curator, and educator whose work aims to expand the art world beyond its traditional confines. As an artist, Ippolito exhibited work at the Walker Art Center and ZKM/Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe; as a curator, he curated Virtual Reality: An Emerging Medium and, with John G. Hanhardt, The Worlds of Nam June Paik at the Guggenheim; as a Professor of New Media, he founded the University of Maine’s graduate Digital Curation program. In almost 200 presentations, Ippolito has spoken out on copyright maximalism, academic insularity, and technological obsolescence. Along with his books At the Edge of Art and Re-collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory, he has published chapters in 20 anthologies and articles in periodicals from the Art Journal to the Washington Post.


Jon Ip­polito, the re­cip­i­ent of Tiffany, Lan­nan, and Amer­i­can Foun­da­tion awards, Jon Ip­polito ex­hib­ited art­work with col­lab­o­ra­tive team­mates Janet Cohen and Keith Frank at venues such as the Walker Art Cen­ter (USA) and ZKM/Cen­ter for Art and Media Karl­sruhe (Germany). As As­so­ci­ate Cu­ra­tor of Media Arts at the Guggen­heim Mu­seum, he cu­rated Vir­tual Re­al­ity: An Emerg­ing Medium and, with John G. Han­hardt, The Worlds of Nam June Paik. Ip­polito’s crit­i­cal writ­ing has ap­peared in pe­ri­od­i­cals rang­ing from Flash Art and the Art Jour­nal to the Wash­ing­ton Post. At the Still Water lab co-founded with Jo­line Blais, Ip­polito has been at work on three pro­jects–the Vari­able Media Net­work, ThoughtMesh, and the book At the Edge of Art–that aim to ex­pand the art world be­yond its tra­di­tional con­fines.

Last Known Location:

Orono, Maine, United States of America

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: