Judit Hersko

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • Judit Her­sko is an in­stal­la­tion artist who works in the in­ter­sec­tion of art and sci­ence and col­lab­o­rates with sci­en­tists on vi­su­al­iz­ing cli­mate change sci­ence through art. In 2008 she re­ceived the Na­tional Sci­ence Foun­da­tion Antarc­tic Artists and Writ­ers Grant and spent six weeks in Antarc­tica. Her re­cent ex­hi­bi­tion fea­tured by Leonardo Elec­tronic Al­manac (March 2011) builds on her col­lab­o­ra­tion with sci­en­tists and her ex­pe­ri­ence in Antarc­tica. Her in­stal­la­tions have been fea­tured in­ter­na­tion­ally in­clud­ing in Ger­many, Aus­tria, Hun­gary, Spain, and in many cities around the United States in­clud­ing Chicago, New York, Los An­ge­les and San Diego. In 1997 she rep­re­sented her na­tive Hun­gary at the Venice Bi­en­nale. She has re­ceived an Art­slink Col­lab­o­ra­tive Grant, a Cal­i­for­nia Arts Coun­cil Vi­sual Arts Fel­low­ship, and has par­tic­i­pated in res­i­den­cies in­clud­ing the Lucas Artists Res­i­dency Pro­gram. She has sev­eral pieces in mu­seum col­lec­tions- for ex­am­ple in The Mu­seum of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Lud­wig Mu­seum in Bu­dapest. Her work has been the sub­ject of many pub­li­ca­tions in­clud­ing ar­ti­cles in Sculp­ture Mag­a­zine and Art in Amer­ica. Her piece Pages from the Book of the Un­known Ex­plorer is forth­com­ing in Far Fields: Dig­i­tal Cul­ture, Cli­mate Change, and the Poles, 2011, edited by An­drea Polli and Jane Marsching. Her­sko is an As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor in the Vi­sual and Per­form­ing Arts De­part­ment at Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­sity, San Mar­cos, where she ini­ti­ated the Art and Sci­ence pro­ject in 2004. Her ac­tiv­i­ties in Antarc­tica have led to new and on­go­ing col­lab­o­ra­tions with sci­en­tists, and re­cently she has been in­vited to pre­sent her work in­ter­na­tion­ally at many uni­ver­si­ties, re­search in­sti­tu­tions and con­fer­ences in­clud­ing the Cross­roads in Cul­tural Stud­ies Con­fer­ence in Hong Kong, and the Antarc­tic Vi­sions Con­fer­ence in Ho­bart, Tas­ma­nia, Australia.

Last Known Location:

San Marcos, California, US

Presentation Moderator:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: