Judith Goldman

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Judith Goldman is author of four books of poetry: Vocoder (Roof 2001), DeathStar/Rico-chet (O Books 2006), l.b.; or, catenaries (Krupskaya 2011), and agon (The Operating System 2017), and has performed her work widely in the US, as well as internationally. As a poet, she is particularly interested in the aesthetic dimensions of scientific writing, radically mimetic, non-human uses of language that model environmental phenomena, and archival poetics that rub against the grain of dominant historical narratives. Also a literary critic of contemporary poetry and poetics, Goldman is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Poetics Program in the Department of English at University at Buffalo (SUNY, Buffalo, USA).


Judith Goldman, USA.

Last Known Location:

Buffalo, New York, United States of America

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: