Julian Stadon
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Julian Stadon is an artist, designer, curator, researcher, and educator. His nomadic practice-based research interfaces art, bio-digital entanglements, identity, embodied interactivity, food ecologies, sustainability, culture and society. His PhD examines Post-Biological Identity and Augmentation Aesthetics through the Data Body Trader project, his establishment of The Mixed and Augmented Reality Art Organisation and the iterative processes, outcomes and conclusions resulting from those endeavours. Stadon has presented and his work and been academically active for nearly twenty years across five continents and currently teaches on the Interface Cultures program at Kunstuniversität Linz. He also runs an experimental agriculture project TeleAgriCulture and often works with Stadtwerkstatt, V2_, Donautics and Schwemmland.
Julian Stadon, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria
Julian Stadon is a mixed reality media artist/researcher and PhD candidate at Curtin University of Technology. His transdisciplinary research has included time with Interface Cultures Linz, Sylgrut Centre, Salford University, HITLabNZ, The Australian Centre for Virtual Art, The Fogscreen Centre, The Banff New Media Institute, CIA Studios, Collaborative Research in Art Science and Humanity (CRASH), The Australia Council and Graz University of Technology. He has recently exhibited at Ars Electronica, Translife: International Triennial of New Media Art, Decode/Recode and the Perth International Art Festival. Along with his research, which is regularly published and presented internationally, Stadon lectures in the School of Design and Art and the School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts at Curtin University. Previously he has lectured at The School of Interactive Digital Design, at Murdoch University and the SAE/Qantm Institute, Perth. He is also the director of <dorkbotperth>_ and has organised conferences including The Media Arts Scoping Study, Re:live: The Third International Conference on Media Art History, The Leonardo Educational Forum @ Re:live, and The First International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art Science and Culture. He has also been involved as a program and panel chair for the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality for the last 5 years. Recently Stadon has initiated the MARart Research Node, to be launched in conjunction with this panel. He is currently completing a PhD in ‘post-biological identity constructs in real time mixed reality data transfer systems art.’ His thesis explores the evolving field of mixed reality data transfer and how this relates to current research regarding post-biological identity. The research aims to develop new notions regarding post-biological identity through innovative real-time data transfer systems that incorporate biological information and mixed reality applications as artistic mediums.
Julian Stadonis a PhD candidate at Curtin University of Technology, Australia. Julian’s research has included residencies with the Interface Cultures, Linz; Salford University, Manchester; Human Interface Technologies Lab, New Zealand (HITLabNZ), The Australian Centre for Virtual Art (ACVA), Melbourne, The Fogscreen Research Centre, Finland and The Banff New Media Institute, Banff. At Curtin University, Julian is a member of the Centre for Research in Arts Science and Humanity (CRASH), The Media Arts Postgraduate. Julian lectures in the School of Art and Design and the School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts at Curtin University and computer technologies and marketing at the SAE/Quantum Institute, Perth. Research assistant for the National Organisation of New Media Arts Database (NOMAD), and the director of Dorkbot Perth. His thesis title is Post Biological Digital Identity in Artificial Mixed Reality Real Time Data Transfer Systems.