Julie Pen­fold has over 20 years ex­pe­ri­ence of work­ing across the arts and cul­tural sec­tor lead­ing and man­ag­ing or­gan­i­sa­tions, and de­liv­er­ing pro­grammes. Since 1991 much of her work has taken place within artist led ini­tia­tives li­ais­ing at na­tional, in­ter­na­tional, county and dis­trict lev­els. Julie was co-founder in 1996 of artist group PVA. She is the cur­rent pro­ject di­rec­tor and co­or­di­na­tor of PVA Me­di­aLab over­see­ing, pro­duc­ing and fa­cil­i­tat­ing process based, re­search-struc­tured ac­tiv­ity with artists whose prac­tice spans many dis­ci­plines. She is in­stru­men­tal in the sup­port and de­vel­op­ment of artists and their work through the lab’s com­mis­sion­ing and bur­sary pro­grammes. She is work­ing on a va­ri­ety of part­ner­ship pro­jects, lead­ing com­mis­sions and out­reach pro­grammes with AONB/South Dorset Ridge­way, Juras­sic Coast Arts, B-Side Fes­ti­val, Big Pic­ture Con­sor­tium/Ex-Lab.  Julie is the co-cu­ra­tor of a num­ber of new media re­lated events and ex­hi­bi­tions in­clud­ing: Lab­Cul­ture Res­i­den­cies; Coast to Coast Sym­posia; Uni­ver­sal Value Com­mis­sions; B-Side Fes­ti­val; Re­Think – Re­Think­ing­Time [Sub­sta­tion Sin­ga­pore]. Julie is a Di­rec­tor of Lab­Cul­ture Ltd and is Dorset’s core con­tact for ALIAS Arts CIC. She rep­re­sents PVA Me­di­aLab at the Big Pic­ture.